The intuitive and the channelled
I am often asked the difference between these two types of art and how the methods and processes vary. The short answer is that one is derived from within oneself and the other from sources outside of oneself. The word ‘channelling; is often used colloquially these days and many people may not appreciate its true meaning.
According to the Institute of Noetic Sciences, ‘channelling
is the communication of information to or through a live human from a source
other than the physical as we know it’. (IONS, 2023)
is also worth noting this can be done in a conscious state or in other
differing states of consciousness, such as a trance state. When I create
channelled paintings, I clear my mind and move out of the way consciously, I
then connect to spirit. I often communicate with spirit in advance to let them
know my intention to create and that they are welcome to come and create
through me. I will be guided to particular colours and my hand will move where
they want it to go. Generally, I am led in a logical manner through the
painting, left to right top to bottom, it is very methodical. Often, I will
mentally ask them questions or maybe clarify what they would like. Often, they
will give me a title as well as the imagery. It is a peaceful and harmonious
process. My mind is clear of thought and open to information and communication.
The fact that I spent years in younger life honing and developing my psychic
and mediumistic skills allows me to do all of this very easily. It is another
mode that I slip into with no trouble.
I am channelling light beings or other entities, other times I communicate with
souls I knew on earth that have passed over. When I communicate with those departed souls, I
will ask them to show me where they are now and what they can see. They then
channel landscapes of other worlds or realms to me. Both human and non-human
souls can do this.
intuitively is also something that I have done for years in my artwork, this
differs as I am mentally inside my own mind space and thinking through my
colour choices and marks, using principles and methods that I feel may work for
the piece I am trying to create. Often, this process can involve struggle and
other times it can come more easily. Most of us probably recognise that process.
I don’t feel that I am communicating with anyone other than myself when I
engage in this process.
have been various attempts to explain what channellers are supposedly doing when
channelling art, from communicating with their own subconscious to just tapping
into their own imagination and fantasy. From a subjective perspective, I reject
this, I know enough to know fantasy from reality and am a very grounded and
non-delusional individual. I am very factual and also like to have confirmation
or evidence of certain things I experience, and I have had those, which is wonderful.
That said, one still feels as though the whole process of channelling needs to
be justified in some way. Thankfully IONS are currently researching the process
with experiments that will hopefully tell us more about what can be physically
evidenced from observing the process. I look forward to seeing their results of
this research, perhaps then the whole field can receive some objective validation.
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