Multimedia Diversification

The plan has always been to find ways of making my latest  series come to life. Because the nature of it is derived from the spiritual, it depicts energy and energy is a moving entity. Breathing life into the static form of a painting on canvas is the next step to manifesting the spiritual.

The fact that I cannot use my right hand or arm properly at the moment is helping with my focus of transferring my work to digital film. The lack of knowledge I have in this area is freeing me up to be playful with the work and to explore the art of the possible.

Seeing the images take on a life of their own, to move and to have the effect of light moving across them is gratifying. The energy has a journey – from universal, translated by me to canvas, to become static to then find a way of becoming a moving entity again. This completes the circle.

Still images from films

Working digitally is an ever-evolving array of possibility. In recent months this has become even more complex due to the advent of AI art which is another area of investigation. It could be seen as a dangerous path for art to go down or it could be something one can use to enhance one’s practice. The jury is out. However, in a technological age of possibility, at leas the prospect of embracing it (or else becoming irrelevant) should be considered. Still images from films

Anything technological can be a double edged sword of good over evil, however, if played right then the digital can enhance our human experience rather than negate it or render humans redundant.

Coming back to the current project, I will continue to assess the options and see what might be a good fit for my work and my burgeoning vision for its evolution from the two dimensional.


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